Motorbike tours
The most beautiful landscapes, fresh mountain air and freedom - this is what you get when you hop on your motorcycle and go on a round trip in Austria. Here are two recommendations from us that include lovely little villages, beautiful lakes and unforgettable view from the mountains.
1st trip: SissiPark, Haus im Ennstal – Hallstatt – Ebensee - Attersee am Attersee - Grundlsee - Gröbming - SissiPark, Haus im Ennstal (283 km)
A beautiful tour that takes you to five beautiful lakes all in one day.
- Haus im Ennstal – Hallstatt: 72,2 km
- Hallstatt – Ebensee: 36,2 km
- Ebensee – Attensee am Attensee: 44,8 km
- Attensee am Attensee – Strobl: 40,1 km
- Strobl – Grundlsee: 43,4 km
- Grundlsee – Gröbming: 46,5 km
- Gröbming – Haus im Ennstal: 11,6 km
2nd trip: Haus im Ennstal – Malta (Gmünd in Kärnten) – Spittal an der Drau (Millstatter See)– Villach (Ossiacher See) – Haus im Ennstal (359 km)
A motobike tour to explore the south of Austria.
- Haus im Ennstal – (126 km)
- Malta (Gmünd in Kärnten) – Spittal an der Drau (Millstatter See): 43,2 km
- Spittal an der Drau (Millstatter See) – Villach (Ossiacher See): 40 km
- Villach (Ossiacher See) – Haus im Ennstal: 150 km
Malta (Gmünd in Kärnten): You can get to one of Austria’s biggest reservoirs along a beautiful road: waterfalls, valleys, tunnels. A restaurant and a 4D cinema is operating at the reservoir.
Villach (Ossiacher–See): The city of Villach is situated close to 3 borders (Slovenian, Italian and the Austrian). It is the starting point of several hiking routes. Burg Landskron and Affenberg (monkey park) is also close by.