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E.g., 14/01/2025
E.g., 14/01/2025
Rafting on the Salza river01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Klosterhügel 74
8967 Haus

The Salza river in Northern Styria is one of the most beautiful and clear rivers in the Alps. The river is suitable for rafting from May to October, so it may be a good alternative program even on rainy summer days as well. During the tours, professional guides are available in German or English if needed.

Putterersee, Aigen01. Jun. 2024. to 09. Sep. 2024.
8943 Aigen im Ennstal

The Putterersee not only boasts a beautiful setting amidst the mountains of the Ennstal , but also by excellent water quality and family-friendly bathing area amoung others with kiddie pool , spring towers and trampolines.

Ramsau Beach13. May. 2024. to 25. Sep. 2024.
Ramsau am Dachstein
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein

Sunday Sessions, barbecues and several parties take place from July at the foot of Rittisberg, the "Ramsau Beach". Trampoline, giant slide and of course much more are to be found around the recrational lake. Ramsau Beach invites you to enjoy the sunshine and the holiday, energy and joy is safely awakened here.

Dachtsein glacier24. May. 2024. to 31. Dec. 2024.
Schildlehen 79.
8972 Ramsau/Dachstein

Dachstein Glacier is located above the town of Ramsau am Dachstein in Austria at 2996 meters above the sea level.

Kayaking01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Marktstraße 213/9
8967 Haus im Ennstal

Kayaking on the Enns river from beginner's to expert's level. Day tour or weekend trip, the tours lead through breathtaking landscapes of the Gesaeuse National Park and Austria's most beautiful gorges.

Bio-golf course, Ramsau am Dachstein01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Kobaldweg 234
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein

The 1st Austrian organic golf course was opened in 2007 at Kobaldhof. The organically cultivated 10-hole golf course is a sporting innovation. The maintenance of the three-hectare site is made exclusively according to the strict criteria of organic cultivation- during the care and fertilization, it is completely dispensed with chemical agents.

Bicycle tours01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Klosterhügel 74
8967 Haus im Ennstal

The Schladming-Dachstein area provides an ideal destination not only for ski fans, but also for those who visit the region in the summer. They can chose from a wide range of activities: from outdoor activities to relaxing in a peaceful environment.

Benedictine Abbey Admont and library01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Admont 1
8911 Admont

Situated at the entrance of the Gesäuse National Park, Admont Abbey dominates the cultural live of the region for over 900 years.

Tandemflight, FlyPark Dachstein01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Moosheim 113
8962 Gröbming

Have you ever dreamed about watching the world through the eyes of a bird? Anyone can do it together with a qualified and experienced tandem pilot. No previous courses or special requirements are needed, just a bit of courage.

Schloss Pichlarn Golf Club01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Zur Linde 1
8943 Aigen im Ennstal

Schloss Pichlarn has one of the oldest golf courses in Austria - together the spa and golf resort is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. The 18-hole course's idyllic setting is both elegant and exclusive, nestled at the heart of the Ennstal valley.
