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E.g., 14/01/2025
E.g., 14/01/2025
Großsölk castle15. May. 2024. to 15. Oct. 2024.
Großsölk 55
8961 Großsölk

Situated in the Großsölk National Park, Großsölk castle was built in the 14th century.

Gallenstein Castle01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Burg Gallenstein
8933 St. Gallen

Situated in the Gesäuse National Park, Gallenstein castle is dated back to the 13th century and its renovation has began in the 1960's.

Grimming Therme01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Neuhofen 182
8983 Bad Mitterndorf

Grimming Therme awaits you in the middle of the Alps with a breathtaking view to the isolated peak of the Dachstein Mountains.

Hiking01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Klosterhügel 74
8967 Haus

The Schladming-Dachstein area is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Europe; in the winter for the skiers and in the summer for hikers. Just light day of trekking or more challenging hiking trails: everyone will find a suitable trail for their needs.

Erlebnisbad Schladming01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Europaplatz 585
8970 Schladming

Erlebnisbad Schladming is a large swimming, sports & adventure complex that is ideal for a lazy day in between all the hiking and cycling.

Aich Lake Resort01. May. 2024. to 04. Sep. 2024.
Gössenbergstraße 8
8966 Aich

First natural Styrian lake to be awarded the Styrian Bathing Seal of Quality.

Motorbike tours01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Klosterhügel 74
8967 Haus im Ennstal

The most beautiful landscapes, fresh mountain air and freedom - this is what you get when you hop on your motorcycle and go on a round trip in Austria. Here are two recommendations from us that include lovely little villages, beautiful lakes and unforgettable view from the mountains.

Leisure park, Pichl01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Freizeitpark Pichl Nr. 150
8973 Schladming

Pichl Lake Resort is the perfect place to spend a lazier day in between two hikes or bike trips. The lake in Pichl with its excellent water quality is one of the cleanest lake in Styria. For children it can be a great experience with a playhouse, giant playground, bouncy castle, football, tennis and beach volleyball court.

Altaussee salt mine 01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Oct. 2024.
Lichtersberg 25
8992 Altaussee

The Altaussee salt mine is Austria's largest still active salt mining site.

Adventure Sports, Alpincenter Dachstein01. Jun. 2024. to 31. Aug. 2024.
Schildlehen 83
8972 Ramsau am Dachstein

You can get all of those adrenaline "kicks", big or small as you participate in a wide variety of adventure sports during your holidays in the Schladming-Dachstein region. Clamber up the mountainside, rappel back down, come face to face with water in all of its primal power.
